The horrors and the ominous
Sometimes during war time they’ll want you to think that both sides are part of the same coin. And sometimes they’ll want you to think that both sides are fundamentally different. During war the first casualty is truth, the second and last casualty will always be the...
They see you
Coming soon
What a nice cliff, what a nice tree, what a nice rope. Nothing bad will happen, nothing bad ever happens! We are in control after all! Did you know that Prince Corloner P. the second has a really big cat? It is true! Did you watch the popular sports show yesterday? It...
snowy blood
Coming soon
Sacrificial pawn
Coming soon
Mouth sight
Coming soon
Lone creature
Coming soon
Life is beautiful
Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, Life is beautiful, life is beautiful, Life is beautiful, life is beautiful,...
He is here
‘The ground trembles, the blood spills from the cup, the screams get louder and louder with each passing moment. Now your mistakes are catching up to you, and forgiveness is not in his vocabulary. Karma is his name, Karma is his motto, Karma is his purpose. Now run...
Eye of fate
Coming soon
Distorted sight
Nothing is what it seems anymore. Your eyes lie, your ears lie, your skin lies, you lie to yourself and truth has been lost. Your thoughts have been hijacked and your brain consumed by the worms. Soon enough, truth will be forever lost. Try your best, or not. At the...
Death of a god 2
We love gods, we made entire civilizations around them and the adoration them. We yearn for their guidance. But who guides the gods? Are they all alone? And if so do they need company? All questions the Godseekers looked to answer. They looked for gods everywhere,...
Death of a god
Gods are said to be eternal, immortal.. But that’s far from being the case. Stars were believed to be eternal too. But it isn’t the case, gods like any other being die. Their lifespans might be of millions, trillions or trevigintillions of years. But even then they...
Bloody covers
Coming soon
Blood on the cog
‘Your blood will be drained as you are skinned alive. Your veins will be used as thread for their clothing, Your skin will be used as a pretty and luxurious dress, Your flesh will be cannibalized and your mind torn apart by a thousand lights. You will then willingly...
Bad omen
Coming soon
Bad heart
Coming soon
‘Rotten amalgamation of writhing flesh, we call you for war. We call you to work and fabricate our weapons. We call you to sustain our economy, in return we’ll give you the scraps of what you’ve built. You will own nothing and be happy, you will be a putrid automaton...