‘The ground trembles, the blood spills from the cup, the screams get louder and louder with each passing moment. Now your mistakes are catching up to you, and forgiveness is not in his vocabulary. Karma is his name, Karma is his motto, Karma is his purpose. Now run and hide if you want, your fate is sealed nonetheless. A spear of regret will pierce your heart as your mind is broken by a hammer of vengeful rage. The pain will only grow and grow, like a terrifying monster that only gets larger with each passing second. A nightmare so deadly and powerful that sleep will be a thing of the past for you. And when death finally comes to take your wicked soul you’ll be kneeling down and breaking down in pathetic tears. Begging for an end to this endless suffering. And then, silence forever. Your soul eradicated from existence, your body reduced to ashes, your mind broken into tiny little pieces and finally, your memories forgotten. No one will remember you, no one will ever even think of you for a single second again.’

-The condemnation of the wicked.

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